As a DUI Attorney, one of the most difficult decisions facing my clients is related to the initial suspension of their license related to a DUI arrest. In Florida, your citation serves as your license for 10 days following your arrest. Within that time period, a client needs to make a decision as to whether to have a hearing on their suspension, or to waive the hearing on their suspension (first time DUI, or apply for a hardship license if there are previous DUI’s).

With most of my clients, they choose a Formal Review Hearing to contest their suspension, even if it involves a refusal to submit to testing. Attached are a few representative ORDERs from Florida’s Bureau of Administrative Review (redacted) from our recent victories in refusal cases.

There are many reasons why my clients choose a Formal Review Hearing:

  1. They do not have to attend the hearing.
  2. The hearings, contrary to popular belief, are winnable with careful preparation (as shown by these Orders).
  3. They do not have to sign up for DUI school.
  4. In addition to conflicts in testimony by law enforcement officers, and constitutional grounds, they can win a hearing if the arresting officer or breath technician fails to appear.
  5. The client receives a 42 day permit to drive for business purposes, if they are otherwise eligible.
  6. If a subpoena for the hearing needs to be enforced, the 42 day permit can often be extended and a client can continue to drive.
  7. If a client decides to waive the hearing in a refusal case, they are stipulating to an element of a criminal refusal (a prior refusal) if they ever refuse again.
  8. This is an extremely important part of a client’s case, and as an attorney, I very much like having an opportunity to cross-examine the police officers under oath about their conduct as early as possible.

Every case is different, and there are surely times when a waiver or hardship license is in a client’s best interests. But a formal review is valuable attorney tool to get an early understanding of a case and develop evidence which can make the difference between a conviction or an acquittal.

Here are some recent examples where we won a formal review for our clients where they refused to blow for the breathalyzer or give blood and urine samples.

“The Hearing Officer has set aside the suspension for refusal to submit to a breath, blood, or urine test because of conflicting evidence or discrepancies.”


“The Hearing Officer has set aside the suspension of your driving privilege dated 05/12/2021 for refusal to submit to a breath, blood or urine test. Upon reviewing the facts of the case, the Department Hearing Officer has determined that there is insufficient evidence to support the suspension because of conflicting evidence or discrepancies.”


“Officer/Deputy did not observe any traffic violations and there were insufficient reasons/grounds to support the traffic stop.”


“The Hearing Officer does not find there was probable cause to believe that the Petitioner was driving with any alcohol level or while under the influence of alcoholic beverages.”


Understanding The Consequences Of A DUI Conviction In Florida

Dui,(,driving,under,the,influence,),text,in,frontUnderstanding The Consequences Of A DUI Conviction In Florida

A DUI conviction can have a huge impact on your life. Not only will it ruin your driving record, but you’ll also lose many of your personal freedoms. The consequences of a DUI can vary depending on the circumstances of your case. You can get a fine, probation, community service or jail time.

First Offense

If you have been charged with a first offense DUI in Florida, it is important that you understand the consequences that you could face. These penalties include fines, probation, license suspension, DUI school, and more. You also need to know that a DUI conviction will remain on your record for 75 years. This can severely impact your personal life. Depending on the severity of your first DUI, you may be facing up to six months in jail or a permanent license suspension. The judge will consider all of your circumstances, including your criminal history and character, when deciding the extent of your penalties. Your attorney can help you fight for the best possible outcome in your case.

Second Offense

A DUI conviction is a serious charge and you should seek legal counsel if you are facing a second offense. A second DUI can be more severe than a first, especially if it happens within five years of your first arrest. Fines and jail time are higher for a second DUI. They can be as high as $2,000 and up, depending on your blood alcohol content (BAC) level. If you are convicted of a second DUI, your driver’s license can be suspended for one year. Additionally, you can have your car impounded for 30 days. You may be required to complete community service.

Third Offense

If you’ve been charged with a third DUI in Florida, the penalties can be incredibly severe. In addition to jail time, a fine, and driver’s license suspension, you may have to install an ignition interlock device in your car for two years after your license is restored. The specific consequences of a third DUI depend on the circumstances of the arrest, including whether you had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of.15% or higher, if you were involved in an accident causing property damage or injury, or if you had a minor passenger in your car at the time of your arrest. If you’re facing a third offense, it’s important to speak with an experienced Florida DUI defense attorney who can help you understand your legal options. It may be possible to suppress evidence, argue for a negotiated plea deal or win a not guilty verdict at trial.

Fourth Offense

If you’ve been convicted of a fourth DUI, you can expect serious penalties. These include prison, heavy fines, revocation of driving privileges and a parade of other harsh penalties. In Florida, a fourth DUI is considered a third-degree felony regardless of when the previous convictions occurred. If you have been convicted of a fourth offense, it’s crucial to contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights and interests. A person’s driver’s license may be permanently revoked after a fourth DUI in Florida. This can result in a significant impact on your life, including losing the ability to work and earn an income.

The Most Common Myths About DUI

The Most Common Myths About DUI

The Most Common Myths About DUI

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious crime that can have significant consequences, including license suspension and jail time. However, people often don’t understand all of the laws regarding drinking and driving. In this article, we’ll clear up some of the most common DUI myths.

Your BAC Has To Be 0.08% Or Higher

It’s possible to be arrested for a DUI even if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is below the legal limit. However, your BAC must be above 0.08 percent for you to be convicted of driving under the influence. Your BAC depends on many factors, including the type of liquor you consumed, your body weight and how long you were on the road before being pulled over by police. Your BAC also changes over time as your body metabolizes and absorbs the alcohol in your system. When you are stopped by police for drunk driving, they will ask you to submit to a breath or blood test to measure your BAC. These tests can be very difficult to perform, but the results can be used against you in court. If you have been arrested for a DUI, contact an attorney as soon as possible. They may be able to challenge the results of your breathalyzer to have your charges dropped.

Must Be Driving To Get A DUI

A common misconception is that you cannot be arrested for a DUI if your vehicle is parked. While this may be true in some states, it is not in all. When pulled over for a traffic violation, police will generally ask you to provide your driver’s license and registration. They will likely also take note of any signs of impairment you display. One way to protect yourself is to remain calm. You should answer the officer’s questions as gently as possible, and should not volunteer any information that might be used against you in court. Ultimately, the best defense against a DUI charge is to prove that you had no intention of driving at the time you were arrested. This is particularly true if you had the keys to your car in your hand at the time of the arrest.

Can’t Be Arrested For A DUI If Sober

In most cases, a DUI charge can be avoided if you are not intoxicated at all. However, you should still avoid getting behind the wheel if you think you might be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Using illegal drugs, prescription medications or over-the-counter medications while driving can also lead to a DUI charge. These can include marijuana, methamphetamines, benzodiazepines, cocaine, barbiturates and others. Often, a DUI charge will result in loss of your driver’s license. In addition, you will usually be required to undergo a medical evaluation of your alcohol or drug use and may need to participate in a drug treatment program.

Can’t Be Arrested For A DUI If You’re Not Seen Driving.

If you’re pulled over and aren’t seen driving, you can’t be arrested. This is because DUI laws require that you be in control of your vehicle at the time of the stop. However, if a police officer can find proof that you were in the car, you might still be arrested for a DUI. This is because a prosecutor needs to prove that you were in the vehicle and that you were intoxicated while in control of the vehicle. This is why you should resist any demands made by an officer that you perform field sobriety tests, take a breath test or provide them with your license and registration. This limits their ability to collect evidence against you, and may help avoid a DUI charge.

The Importance Of Choosing The Right DUI Attorney

The Importance Of Choosing The Right DUI Attorney

Choosing the right DUI Attorney is critical for protecting your rights and winning your case. A lawyer with the right experience can help you fight a DUI charge and negotiate with prosecutors to achieve a favorable plea deal or have your case dismissed. If you are looking for a DUI attorney, it is important to ask the right questions.


Choosing the right DUI attorney can have a profound impact on your case. A good attorney will know how to navigate the legal system and negotiate with prosecutors on your behalf. Experience is the most important factor to consider when hiring a DUI lawyer. The more the attorney has defended similar cases, the better their chances are of achieving a favorable outcome for you. Ask your friends, family members, and co-workers for referrals. This is a great way to get first-hand information about a DUI attorney’s reputationYou should also make sure that the attorneys you’re considering have extensive experience in your specific court. This is vital to your case’s success as different courts treat identical DUI charges differently.


Reputations can be built, broken, or maintained and are often worth more than a lot of money. Everything from press releases to tweets can affect a brand’s reputation. Choosing a DUI attorney with a good reputation can make all the difference in how your case turns out. This is because they are experienced in defending clients who have been accused of driving under the influence and know the laws in your area. To find the best attorney for your needs, look online at a firm’s website and reviews from other people who have worked with the lawyer in the past. You can also ask friends and family members for recommendations. However, be sure to verify that the referral is from a trustworthy source.


When choosing a DUI attorney, it’s important to understand what you’re going to be paying for. Some attorneys may charge by the hour, while others offer a flat rate. Ideally, you want an attorney that specializes in criminal cases. This will ensure that they have a deep understanding of the laws in your state and how to effectively navigate them. Also, ask about how many DUI cases they have handled in their career. This will reveal their experience and how confident they feel about your case. Another crucial aspect of choosing a DUI lawyer is their ability to get along with prosecutors, judges and police in your jurisdiction. Those who do not have good relationships with these professionals often will not be successful in negotiating for reduced charges and penalties.

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